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Our Main Services

We specialize in a variety of services. Our aim is to deliver services based on your recent browsing behavior.

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New Service

DOP association has set benchmarks in safety, security, performance, efficiency, punctuality, respectability, professionalism and reliability in the sector. The fully trained personnel with many years of background in the sector, bring a wealth of experience to the company and is one of its major assets.  Our broad client base, ranging from national affiliates, major operators, members and partners from the three alliance networks, low cost operators, and others, has enabled DOP association is fully operational at 37 countries and handles more than 12 million customers per year. 

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Most Popular

Here you will find artworks that are most frequently viewed and liked by site visitors. Would you like to know what do other people love the most?

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Producing distinguishing, high quality work

Hundreds of thousands of people from across the world are responsible for executing these missions. These are the people who regularly interact with the public, who are responsible for public safety and security.

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Services List


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The vision of our company is to ensure services that are safe and secure. Three key concepts form the foundation of our national strategy designed to achieve this vision: security, resilience, customs and exchange.




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